What has changed between version 1.0b and 1.1? The new citations have the following numeric index in the References: 68, 84, 91, 127, 176, 179, 249, 271, 328, 334, 351, 367, 373, 422, 425, 432, 438, 526, 580, 601, 652, 657, 667, 679, 685, 686, 712, 729, 751, 763, 800, 806, 815, 836, 845, 877, 889, 943, 976, 978, 979, 997, 999, 1009, 1034, 1048, 1075, 1138, 1194, 1204, 1205, 1211, 1262, 1277, 1318, 1341, 1348, 1349, 1408, 1426, 1428, 1442, 1443, 1461, 1471, 1474, 1480, In most cases a sentence or paragraph was added for each new citation. The reference given for citation 781 has changed from the previous version of the book. Fixed grammatical typos are not listed. Sentence 0 Figure 0.2 Updated. Sentence 19 C++ material updated. Sentence 64 Changed by DR #286 Sentence 98 Coding guidelines: Some new material. Usage: Table 98.1 is new. Sentence 198 Lots of new material. Sentence 230 Changed by DR #209 Sentence 233a Added by DR #310 Sentence 234 Changed by DR #310 Sentence 274 Figure 274.1 Raw data collection problem fixed. Sentence 275 Figure 274.1 Axis relabeled. Sentence 285 Figure 285.1 y-axis relabled. Sentence 293 Figure 293.1 Split into two graphs and y-axis labeled appropriately. Sentence 343 New material on Ontel x86 issues with math trignometric argument reduction. Sentence 350 Changed by DR #290 Sentence 544a Added by DR #312 Sentence 691 Changed by DR #318 Sentence 692 Changed by DR #318 Sentence 766 New subsection on 'Relative spacing' Sentence 787 Table 787.4 Values changed to a percentage rather than actual occurrences. Figure 787.10 Second graph added based on CamelCase usage. Sentence 779 Changed by DR #324 Sentence 779a Added by DR #324 Sentence 819 Changed by DR #298 Sentence 835a Added by DR #298 Sentence 918 Changed by DR #324 Sentence 926a Added by DR #324 Sentence 949a Added by DR #287 Sentence 986 Figure 986.3 This is new. Sentence 1033a Added by DR #283 Sentence 1033b Added by DR #283 Sentence 1128 Changed by DR #318 Sentence 1132 Changed by DR #318 Sentence 1186 Table 1187.3 Missing values now given. Sentence 1224 Table 1224.1 Missing values now given. Sentence 1234 Table 1234.1 Missing values now given. Sentence 1344 Common implementation: New material on allocated storage duration. Sentence 1352 Changed by DR #295 Sentence 1429 Usage: Added enumeration constant release information, and moved figure and table here from moved here from 1430. Sentence 1541 Changed by DR #311 Sentence 1541a Added by DR #311 Sentence 1558 Changed by DR #320 Sentence 1613 Changed by DR #289 Sentence 1696 Usage: added information on frequency of occurrence of various kinds of statements. Sentence 1701 Figure 1701.1 This is new. Sentence 1737 Figure 1737.2 Raw data collection problem fixed. Sentence 1755a Added by DR #268 Sentence 1757a Added by DR #268 Sentence 1757b Added by DR #268 Sentence 1763 Changed by DR #292 Sentence 1793a Added by DR #290 Sentence 1793b Added by DR #290 Sentence 1839 Changed by DR #303 Sentence 1839a Added by DR #303 Sentence 1839b Added by DR #303 Sentence 1854 Added by DR #304 Sentence 1859 Changed by DR #305 Sentence 1877 Figure 1877.1 This is new. The three other figures have had their 'dot' number incremented. Sentence 1890 Changed by DR #302 Sentence 1891 Changed by DR #302 Sentence 1912a Added by DR #306 Sentence 1913 Changed by DR #307 Sentence 2003a Added by DR #333